In practical , it is important to avoid local overheating . to full cool to cylinder head is necessary 在实际中要特别防止发动机的局部过热,因而对缸盖必须要有充分的冷却。
If it is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions , it may cause local overheating and possible failure 如果在各个方向上不能均匀散热,可能会导致部分区域受热过度甚至失效。
If the element is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions , it may cause local overheating and possible failure 如果硅碳棒不能再各个方向上均匀散热,可能会导致部分区域过热乃至失败。
If the element is not able to dissipate heat energy equally in all directions , it may cause local overheating and possible failure 如果硅碳棒不能再各个方向上均匀散热,可能会导致部分区域受热过度乃至失败。